

Not to be confused with :meth:`gougleai.complete() <complete>`.

gougleai.chat.complete(model, chatHistory: object, maxTokenNumber: int = 100) -> { choices[str] }

gougleai.chat.complete() is a function designed for chat conversations. It interacts with the Gougle AI API to generate responses based on a chat history and a specified model with a maximum token number.


Because of some technical issues with the Gougle AI API services, this use temporarly the OpenAI API.


  • model: The name of the model to use.


    Only Chat Completion models allowed for gougleai.chat.complete().

  • chatHistory: object: A dictionary containing the chat history information. This dictionary should have the following keys:
    • role: str: The role of the message sender (ai, system, or user).

    • message: str: The message content of the previous turn.


      chatHistory contains only role and message for now, but it will change in few times.

  • maxTokenNumber: int = 100: The maximum number of tokens (~words) to generate in the response (defaults to 100).

Returned value

The function returns a dictionary with the list choices containing the generated text completions for the chat response.

Usage Examples

Here’s an example of how gougleai.chat.complete() might be used to create a simple chatbot:

import gougleai

gougleai.apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"

chat_history = {"role": "user", "message": "Hello!"}

while True:
    user_message = input("You: ")
    chat_history["role"] = "user"
    chat_history["message"] = user_message

    if user_message == "exit":

    response = gougleai.chat.complete(model=gougleai.models.glt.glt1, chatHistory=chat_history)
    print("Chatbot: " + response.choices[0])

    chat_history["role"] = "ai"
    chat_history["message"] = response.choices[0]