

Not to be confused with :meth:`gougleai.chat.complete() <chat/complete>`.

gougleai.complete(model, prompt: str, maxTokenNumber: int = 100) -> { choices[str] }

gougleai.complete() is a fu Not to be confused with *:doc:```gougleai.complete()`` <complete>`.*nction to get an API response from a prompt to a model with a max token number. It interacts with the Gougle AI API to generate text completions.


Because of some technical issues with the Gougle AI API services, this use temporarly the OpenAI API.


  • model: The name of the model to use.


Only Text Completion models allowed for gougleai.complete().

  • prompt: str: The text prompt for the model.

  • maxTokenNumber: int = 100: The maximum number of tokens (words) to generate in the response (defaults to 100).

Returned value

The function returns a dictionary with the list choices containing the generated text completions.

Usage Examples

Here is an example of an AI that try to generate Python code about a given idea:

import gougleai

gougleai.apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"

while True:
        usr_inp = input("Idea of Python program: ")

        if usr_inp == "exit":
        elif usr_inp != ("" or null):
                response = gougleai.complete(model=gougleai.models.glt.glt1, prompt="Make a Python program following this idea: " + usr_inp, maxTokenNumber=200)
                print("Generated code: \n```\n" + response.choices[0] + "\n```")